
author = {Vincent Herbert and Sumanta Sarkar},
title = {On the {T}riple-{E}rror-{C}orrecting {C}yclic {C}odes with {Z}ero {S}et $\{1, 2^i+1, 2^j+1\}$},
booktitle = {13th IMA Conference on Cryptography and Coding,
{IMACC} 2011},
year = 2011,
editor = {Liqun Chen},
pages = {79-96},
series = {LNCS},
volume = {7089},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
url = {http://vincent.herbert.is.free.fr/documents/herbert-sarkar-article-ima11.pdf},
slides = {http://vincent.herbert.is.free.fr/documents/herbert-sarkar-slides-ima11.pdf}}
author = {Vincent Herbert},
title = {Des codes correcteurs pour sécuriser l'information numérique},
year = {2011},
school = {Inria Rocquencourt - Université Paris VI},
month = {12},
url = {http://vincent.herbert.is.free.fr/documents/PhD_Vincent_Herbert.pdf},
slides = {http://vincent.herbert.is.free.fr/documents/slides_PhD_Vincent_Herbert.pdf}}
author = {Bhaskar Biswas and Vincent Herbert},
title = {Efficient {R}oot {F}inding of {P}olynomials over {F}ields of {C}haracteristic $2$},
booktitle = {WEWoRC 2009},
year = 2009,
editor = {},
pages = {},
series = {LNCS},
volume = {},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
url = {http://vincent.herbert.is.free.fr/documents/biswas-herbert-article-weworc09.pdf},
slides = {http://vincent.herbert.is.free.fr/documents/biswas-herbert-slides-weworc09.pdf}}